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They are all trying to kill you!

Look out! Modern medicine is trying to kill you. That's right. Every nurse, doctor and scientist is out for nothing but your blood and money. You'd best not catch a cough because I've heard that Nyquil is laced with toxins that enables the government to plant suggestions in your mind while you sleep. Big pharma is evil and is busy with over medicating the earth's inhabitants so they can keep making billions of dollars. So what's an uneducated public to do? It's okay. Don't panic. There are people out there who care about you and have the answers that big pharma and the government don't want you to know about. People like me who know about ancient cures. Cures that could potentially rid the world of such evils as cancer, autism and bad hair days. Like the natural cure for tummy aches which is as simple as rubbing a mixture of pig poop, cumin and peppermint tea on your stomach under a full moon whilst humming "Girl From Ipanema." Shhhhh. THEY don't want you to know for if such knowledge were to get out, people would stop buying the toxin laden drugs that are actually killing us. But there are some who are fighting the good fight and care about getting the truth out and not in it for the easy cash from gullible folk. You can read more about these unknown cures in my new book. "Cures I'm Telling You About Even Though My Life Is In Grave Danger For Telling You About Them." Only $29.95 plus shipping.

Medical conspiracy theories seem all the rage these days. Especially in the light of the anti-vax movement which appears to be gaining ground. The truth is that modern medicine is a good thing. Hundreds of years of study has brought us to an age where people are living longer than ever before and diseases that have killed thousands have been eradicated or rendered curable. We've seen such advancements as vaccines, organ transplants and medicines that help people with incurable diseases live longer, more comfortable lives. Yet there are folks out there that are crying foul. They claim that the big pharmaceutical companies and governments are conspiring against you and me. That things like chemotherapy for cancer is not only unnecessary but not even helping at all. Or that vaccines contain poisons and that the only reason these poisons are forced upon us is to make the CEO of Pfizer and your local MP richer. Ridiculous. The fear mongering simply does not stand up to scrutiny and the facts are irrefutable. For example If you were diagnosed with cancer in the 1940s in Canada, you had a 25% chance of surviving five years. Today, the figure is 62%.

If your loved one were to collapse right now clutching their chest, what would be the first thing you would do? My guess is that you (or any of those bitching about the evils of modern medicine) would pick up the phone and dial 911. You would put your trust in the trained paramedics, doctors and nurses. They would use all that we've learned over the years to save your loved one because they care. They entered their professions not to get rich or conspire with big pharma to kill people. They will do all they can and they have science on their side. Not witch doctors and pig poop.


Kennedy Goodkey said…
Nice. And now I feel a bit sheepish... I had planned that my next post on Skeptic North would be a satirical presentation of a made-up bogus therapy... not unlike your first paragraph. I feel a bit scooped. Though that may not stop me.
Northernskeptic said…
It's like you were channeling Kevin Trudeau himself. Great post Tam :)
Eos said…
Thank you for the smile, as I've been trying to combat some idiotic lies about the flu vaccine being untested the last few hours and I only get accused of making bucks for it. I wish!!! Where is my fraccin monies? :)

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