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Happy 200th Birthday!

Today is Charles Darwin's 200th birthday. I celebrated with a cupcake. Unfortunately, One of the side effects of being 200 hundred years old is that you are probably dead. Which, in Darwin's case, is probably a good thing as he didn't have to witness the circus that came to Dover, Colorado in 2005. Not the good kind of circus with elephants and popcorn either. The religious folk there decided that the kids in science class needed to hear that evolution isn't the only way that the earth and it's inhabitants came into being. They call this "science" Intelligent Design. This is simply creationism renamed and it has nothing to do with science.

They claim to have evidence and they can prove that what they say is true. The Discovery Institute has many long papers on the subject. Not sure what there is to talk about for so long since their answer for everything is simply, "God did it." Oh sorry, I mean an "Intelligent Designer did it." It seems though, that proponents of creationism spend precious little time defending their position and showing evidence for their findings. Rather, they attack evolution and pick it apart trying to find flaws and gaps. Because, if parts of evolution are not fully explained, then the whole theory must be thrown out and they must be right. Another thing that burns my biscuits is when the creationists say "after all it's just a THEORY." In science, the word theory means something different than in everyday English, in science, a theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena. Gravity is also a theory. Guess we should scrap that one too.

Creationism is a big and controversial topic and it's driven purely by religion. The people who believe in it don't want to look at the real science and face the fact that everything they have known their whole lives is wrong. They build museums featuring people living beside dinosaurs and try to push it down the throats of students. Luckily the judge in Dover did the right thing and ruled against teaching ID in schools. Hopefully this trend continues and religion is kept out of our schools and stays in churches where is belongs.

I also think it's funny that they cry how unfair it is that kids are taught only the one explanation of evolution and not taught that there may be another way that we all came into being. Which, according to them, is that all the animals and people just kind of poofed into existence. God was up in his playroom with his modeling clay forming t-rexs, tigers, platypuses and Angelina Jolie and then just plopped them on this planet. Okay, so why don't we then also teach the children about any of these creation stories? What makes them any less valid than evolution or genesis? If you want to know more about evolution vs. creationism, Talk Origins is a great website for much of the info you need.

Bottom line.....humans used to be monkeys. Deal with it.


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