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The second wave of predator

This is a topic that makes me angry for many reasons. If believers don't listen to me about anything else, I wish they would at least agree with me on this one thing. In fact, just say the next sentence out loud as you read it. Psychics DO NOT help law enforcement agencies solve crimes. This is a big argument I get from those who believe in psychics. I really don't blame them actually. Through the media and shows like "Psychic Detectives" and "Medium", the public is wrongly led to believe that this practice is commonplace. In fact, when psychics try to get involved with investigations, they only serve to de-rail progress and cost valuable man hours in following false leads. They throw out generalities like "the body is near water" or "near rocks" or "I see a field" or maybe they attempt a more specific guess like "I see the number six". Then if the case is solved, there is the chance to retro-fit. Perhaps the body was found in a field within 5 kilometres of a lake and the road nearby is Range Road 568. Well, bingo! The psychic was so right and obviously very helpful. Sigh.

Project Jason is a website created in honor of Jason Jolkowski who went missing in 2001 at age 19. His family created the site to assist others with missing family members. There is a section warning people against turning to pychics for help. Here is a great quote from that section.

"There is not one proven case in which a psychic, using special powers or abilities not given to the typical person, has located a missing person, whether dead or alive. It may be possible that some persons have an ability that defies science and logic, but there is no known scientific evidence of this. These persons re-victimize families by taking away hope where it should stand, and giving hope where there is none. No person has the right to do this to another."

Some argue that there are pyschics that don't charge for this kind or work but even they have something to gain from possible publicity. Book sales, booking more readings, etc. Not charging money doesn't make them any more accurate. I hate the way the media treats this as well. A newspaper article may state that a psychic was asked to work on a case or "helped" with a case. They don't mention any specifics or if the pychic was even helpful at all. That's not exciting and newsworthy enough I guess. What if a long cold case once had a psychic "helping"? Do they mention that this psychic was of no help at all? Nope.

Here are some stellar crimefighting highlights of some the more famous psychics. Sylvia Browne told a family that their missing son was dead when he was very much alive. She told a lady that her missing granddaughter was sold into slavery in Japan when in reality the poor little girl had been killed close to home shortly after she was abducted. Noreen Renier's claims have not held up to scrutiny. Carla Baron has solved how many crimes? Um...none. Allison Dubois simply plays the guessing game and hopes she gets lucky. Seems luck wasn't with her in this case.

Psychics prey on the grieving and desperate to further themselves. Marc Klaas, father of abducted and murdered 12 year-old Polly Klaas, has described psychics as the second wave of predator. I agree with that statement 100%.


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